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Monday 6 May 2024

Scientists tried to reinfect people with Covid - and failed

Scientists tried to reinfect people with Covid but found it impossible, even when they ramped up the dose 10,000-fold, according to the latest results from the Covid challenge trials.

When Paul Zimmer-Harwood volunteered to be intentionally infected with SARS-CoV-2, he wasn't sure what to expect. He was ready for a repeat of his first brush with COVID-19, through a naturally acquired infection that gave him influenza-like symptoms. But he hoped his immunity would help him feel well enough to use the indoor bicycle trainer that he had brought into quarantine.

It turned out that Zimmer-Harwood, a PhD student at University of Oxford, UK, had nothing to worry about. Neither he nor any of the 35 other people who participated in the 'challenge' trial actually got COVID-19.

The study's results, published on May 1st in Lancet Microbe, raise questions about the usefulness of COVID-19 challenge trials for testing vaccines, drugs and other therapeutics. "If you can't get people infected, then you can't test those things," says Tom Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College London. Viral strains used in challenge trials take many months to produce, making it impossible to match emerging circulating variants that can overcome high levels of existing immunity in populations.

Researchers use challenge trials to understand infections and quickly test vaccines and therapies. In March 2021, after months of ethical debate, UK researchers launched the world's first COVID-19 challenge trial. The study identified a minuscule dose of the SARS-CoV-2 strain that circulated in the early days of the pandemic that could infect about half of the participants, who had not previously been infected with the virus (at that time, vaccines weren't yet widely available)....<<<Read More>>>...

Scorpions - Passion Rules The Game

Madkind-v-Mankind. A Race Against Time – Julian Rose

Just under the surface of daily life two starkly opposing forces are at work: ‘the will for life’ and ‘the will for no life’. Both are wrestling their way towards becoming the dominant reality of this era. It’s a race against time.

The clock has been set by Madkind, with the disturbingly passive acceptance of much of Mankind.

Madkind is obsessed by mechanical time. It sets the clock and demands its agenda be implemented according to the time frame it decrees.

‘The Great Reset’ is the appropriately named most recent clock setting event initiated by Madkind.

It has placed some key dates in its agenda for the transference of organic life into a digitally controlled robotic look-alike, with the purpose of rendering Mankind obsolete.

It finds 2025/26, 2030 and 2045/50 useful markers by which to achieve particular phases of this ambition.

We know Madkind’s game plan because it is explicitly laid out in UN Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum’s Fourth Industrial Revolution/Green New Deal.

On the financial side, for a start, a central bank digital currency with a social credit compliance program to control individual’s access to their bank accounts, is clocked in for circa 2026.

Global economic stagnation and swathes of human starvation are timed to follow.

By 2030, Madkind’s agenda states that the process of digitalisation and artificial intelligence (IT) will have usurped much of Mankind’s emotional and rational thinking capacity; with natural powers of reproduction also sterilised into submission by ever increasing atmospheric geoengineering, water and food denaturing, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and weaponised vaccination programmes.

By the same date around fifty percent of food is planned to be created in factory laboratories. Synthetic, genetically modified and with no connection with soil.

Insects are high on the list for protein replacement, once milk, meat and eggs have been rendered ‘off the menu’ due to their being identified as complicit in Madkind’s mad global warming invention.

Energy production is slated to be largely divorced from fossil fuel burning practices by this same date. Replaced by what it sees as ‘Green’ solutions taking over the powering of what is left of productive industry.

By 2045/50 Madkind sees itself in the driving seat with its so called ‘Net Zero’ (no carbon dioxide) policy having further reduced natural biodiversity and world populations to a fraction of current levels, replacing Mankind with the AI Transhuman cyborg version and a slave race of Humankind preserved for menial duties unsuited to robots.

This is a purely cursory, indicative list – as there is far more insanity in the pipeline than mentioned here. And Madkind has a plan B, C and D if A fails to materialise (on time).

To further remind one’s self, just check Mad Schwab’s description of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Mad Harari’s declaration “We will do better than God”.

Meanwhile, in the race against time, a still small but steadily growing percentage of Mankind is realising that its future on this planet is under threat, like never before.

Information concerning the nature of this crisis is humming through the internet ether; is under discussion in thousands of conference venues, private homes and work places.

Mankind is stirring and Madkind is trying to block the growing momentum....<<<Read More>>...

An Important Message To Humanity From A 33rd Degree Freemason

In modern day pop culture, it seems to be heavily associated with evil, darkness, and an elite group of people or a cabal that has a major influence on how we live as individuals and as a collective.

I believe this interpretation stems from a lack of study, and our increasing inability to dive deep into a particular subject matter with the use of proper sources.

Sometimes I feel the collective, generation after generation, may be losing its intelligence. Then again, sometimes I feel the complete opposite is occurring.

The negative connotation often associated with freemasonry doesn’t paint a full picture, according to experts in the field of philosophy who have dedicated their lives to this particular subject area.

One of them is Manly P. Hall.

Hall has been recognized as one of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, philosophy and the occult (1901-1990). He was the founder of the Philosophical Research Society (1934). Many great minds have been attracted to his work, including the late Carl Jung. When Jung was writing his Psychology and Alchemy, he borrowed material from Hall’s private collection.

47 years after writing The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall was recognized as a 33rd-degree Mason, the highest honour conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite.

Over 70 years he delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad. He also authored more than 150 books and essays as well as countless magazine articles.

He explains,

“From the beginning of time, Freemasonry has been punished for its love of truth, and out if its punishment came the United States. We were founded by Masonic pressures, we were founded by Masons, we were founded by some of the best minds of our time. . . We were founded by people who sacrificed much, and also gave their lives in many cases. But we came through, we came through because of a definite determination, that the way of light shall prevail. Therefore it is very important to us to make sure that this light does prevail, that it goes on, to help us with all the things that are necessary for us to do.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Fake meat: It’s all part of a plan to control the entire food supply

What do Harvard University, internet vegans and the World Economic Forum all have in common?

A religious desire for the world to go vegan. But why?

Is it an effort to stop global warming? Is it an earnest attempt at making everyone healthier? Is it a desperate plea to end animal cruelty? The answers may surprise you.

The documentary ‘Beyond Impossible – The Truth Behind the Fake Meat Industry’ argues that lab-grown and cultured meats, as ultra-processed foods, could pose significant health risks, challenging the perceived benefits of these meat alternatives.

Fake meats lack essential nutrients found in natural meats, including specific amino acids that are crucial for muscle maintenance and overall health.

Even for those who faithfully follow the “climate crisis” narrative, fake meats are bad news. Despite claims of “sustainability,” studies show that meat alternatives have far greater “greenhouse gas emissions” than traditional livestock practices.

Evidence supports regenerative farming methods as far more beneficial for the environment compared to the industrial farming methods upon which ultra-processed meat alternatives rely.

The documentary analyses current global policies that push for meat alternatives, suggesting a broader agenda is at play – one that may compromise food security and individual health through increased reliance on ultra-processed food.

ENERGY SUICIDE: G7 nations forge plan to shut down ALL coal-fired power plants between 2030 and 2035; electricity costs to sharply increase

To limit global temperature increases – or so they say – the Group of Seven (G7) nations have announced plans to sign a deal that will force all remaining coal-fired power plants in member state territories to close down between 2030 and 2035.

With few exceptions, the nations of the G7 – or at least those over which the G7 has influence and control – will be expected to come up with energy production alternatives that the globalists have decided are good for the climate and the planet.

All of this was devised at the United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai last December where globalist powerbrokers decided that Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States must "fully decarbonize electricity by 2035" in order to stop global temperatures from rising another 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Since Germany and Japan derive more than one-quarter of their total electricity from coal, these two nations will reportedly be granted some leeway with the coal shutdown plan, Reuters reported. Germany, though, is still planning to phase out coal, just by 2038 at the latest, while Japan has not yet set a date. ...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 5 May 2024

High Altitude Balloon

Time traveler caught on video? Man went into the shed and disappeared

 A Florida resident named Alex Schaal claims that his surveillance cameras captured a possible time traveler. Schaal rented this house and plot to rent it out to tourists, but so far no one lives there. Schaal himself lives in another house, which is 5 hours away from the area, reports

Recently, the security camera system sent him a message about an intrusion into the territory of the rented property by an uninvited guest. When Schaal watched the video, he saw that an unfamiliar man had entered the property with a backpack and was wandering around the backyard.

Then this stranger entered a shed and… did not come out. The cameras continued to film the barn and other objects on the site for the next few hours, but this stranger never appeared anywhere else.

Schaal then called the police. The cameras filmed how the police arrived, inspected the area, including the barn, but found no one.

The next day, cameras filmed another person coming out of the same barn, walking through the area and leaving it in an unknown direction. Outwardly, he looked like an old man, but in Shaal’s opinion, he was very similar to the man who entered the barn earlier.

So now Alex Schaal has a theory that his cameras accidentally caught the time traveler. Apparently somewhere in the barn there was a hidden portal deliberately placed there for time travel. These two videos of Shaal instantly went viral and received a lot of comments.<<<Read More>>>

Image of the Day - "Cuimhne órga"


Cost of Driving Jumps 50% in Three Years as Net Zero War on Motorist Heats Up

 The cost of running a car has soared by £700 to £2,100 a year in the last three years – a 50% rise – as a result of the Net Zero war on motorists and rising inflation. The Telegraph has more.

There has never been a worse time to own a car, as motorists are “assaulted from all sides” by spiralling costs, analysis shows.

The yearly cost of running a car has soared by £700 to £2,100 in the last three years – a 50% rise – as the Net Zero war on motorists and rising inflation takes its toll.

Households are spending over £500 more a year on insurance than in 2021 and have been hit by substantial hikes in the price of repairs, parking and fuel.

At the same time, low-emission zones have expanded across the country, saddling motorists with additional charges to drive in urban areas.

Edmund King, President of motoring body the AA, said the burden on drivers has never been so high.

He said: “There have been times in the past when certain elements have been more expensive, like fuel. But this is the first time when the cost of motoring as a whole has been so high. It’s an incredibly expensive time to be a driver. They are being assaulted from all sides.”

King added that motorists are getting a “rubbish return on investment” after drivers reported one million potholes on the nation’s roads last year, a post-pandemic high.

“Drivers are paying more but in return they get terrible infrastructure, with roads in a record poor state. It’s a bitter pill to swallow.

“For many millions of people, their car is not a luxury – it’s essential. Many people can’t cut back on driving, and so they cut back on other household expenditure. They buy less food, go out less. It affects their lifestyle quite considerably.”...<<<Read More>>>...

SELF-INFLICTED CELL DISORDER: The real reason 270 million Americans chose to make themselves “SIC”

 Have you heard of self-inflicted Sheeple disease? Most likely not, because the CDC, WHO and the medical industrial complex keeps it quiet, like when the Holocaust started. The main difference between the Hitler gas-chamber Holocaust and the Covid Jab Holocaust is that people are voluntarily lining up for the slow fix, rolling up their own sleeve for some self-inflicted cell disorder, and it has really only just begun.

Just after WWII, many of the globalists and elitists who were not Hitler's cohorts, were impressed by the speed at which he was able to rise to power, use genocide to eliminate those who opposed him and propaganda to brainwash everyone else. 

Hitler's main goal was to wipe out anyone who wouldn't support his military takeover of the world, which included killing off anyone and everyone who was handicapped, autistic, mentally challenged, black, Jewish or of senior citizen age. He used very overt ways of murdering these masses, either by two bullets to the back of the head, or the forever "shower" that locked you in a room that filled with pesticide gas. Then he simply burned and buried the bodies, and moved from nation to nation destroying peoples, with his Big Pharma right arm known in short as I.G. Farben. Sound familiar?

Today, the USA invades other countries (under the guise of maintaining peace and democracy), injects the masses with toxins and gives them pills, toxic food and adulterated water to help kill them slowly (while keeping them as taxpayer slaves as long as possible). Still, this is not happening quick enough for the communist insurgents, a.k.a. the Biden Regime, who now occupies Washington DC and controls the U.S. military. These communists and atheists needed a grim reaper to silently wipe out the middle class, the autistic kids, the senior citizens and anyone else that opposes the autocracy. 

The "holy grail" of medicine was the perfect medium, as most of the sheeple of America whole-heartedly, with all of their might, believe that vaccines are for building immunity to diseases, and that we would all surely die before even growing out of childhood if it weren't for those lab-concocted injections.

Vaccines are bioweapons that often destroy the central nervous system, the immune system, the cognitive system, the digestive system and of course, the reproductive system. This is the most viable means of depopulation, especially with the new technology of mRNA, which tricks human cells into producing billions of blood clogging prions, forever. This cell disorder is not unlike cancer, and is actually a catapult of cancer, also known as turbo cancer. Don't look any further than the Big Pharma cartel of Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstroZeneca and Merck. Plus, the U.S. regulatory agencies are "all in" for the vaccine holocaust...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday 4 May 2024

Thin Lizzy The Sun Goes Down

Nanotech Turning Us Into Cyborgs Is Real

 Lipid Nano Particles a.k.a Hydrogels are used in the Covid shots with the excuse that they deliver mRNA to cells at the injection site where the mRNA enters the nucleus locally and produces the “Spike Protein” so the body can create antibodies against it to protect us from the “virus”.  As such LNPs promoted not as an active ingredient, but only as a transport vehicle for the “real active ingredient- the mRNA”. It is also claimed that they contain only Polyethylene Glycol, PEG. It turns out that basically none of that is true.

First, if there is mRNA in the vials, it didn’t remain local but was distributed to the entire body. 

Secondly, many vials did not contain any mRNA as no Nitrogen nor Phosphorus was found which are mandatory elements of mRNA.

Third, the LNPs are not merely transport vehicles but make up the bulk of nanotechnology now in the bodies of the jabbed. Together with Graphene, the toxic metals Aluminum and Barium and electromagnetic frequencies they begin a self-assembling process inside the body to produce nano sized sensor and communication devices that can emit and receive signals and perform tasks.

Thanks to the patent research by Karen Kingston on LNPs, we know what they have been designed to do for many years: Hydrogels are used in regenerative medicine to build scaffolding as a support structure on which cells can form tissues.

 Smart hydrogels respond to external stimuli like temperature, pH, light, magnetic and electric fields and enzymatic environment. Some scaffolds contain gelatin-graphene oxide. Hydrogels can absorb water up to several thousand times their weight and swell. It can mold itself and take up the shape of the cavity it is in. I and others suspect that hydrogels are part of the fibrous clots, also called Calamari clots pulled out of the deceased by embalmers and also found inside the tubing and filters of the EBOO machines....<<<Read More|>>>...

Doctors do more harm than good

We now spend more on health care than ever before, and the medical profession is apparently more scientific and better equipped than ever before, so there is a savage irony in the fact that we have now reached the point where, on balance, well-meaning doctors in general practice and highly trained, well-equipped specialists working in hospitals do more harm than good. The epidemic of iatrogenic disease which has always scarred medical practice has been steadily getting worse and today most of us would, most of the time, be better off without a medical profession.

Most developed countries now spend around 8% of their gross national products on health care (the Americans spend considerably more – around 12-14%) but through a mixture of ignorance, incompetence, prejudice, dishonesty, laziness, paternalism and misplaced trust doctors are killing more people than they are saving and they are causing more illness and more discomfort than they are alleviating.

Most developed countries now spend around 1% of their annual income on prescription drugs and doctors have more knowledge and greater access to powerful treatments than ever before, but there has probably never been another time in history when doctors have done more harm than they do today.

It is true, of course, that doctors save thousands of lives by, for example, prescribing life-saving drugs or by performing essential life-saving surgery on accident victims.

But when the medical profession, together with the pharmaceutical industry, claims that it is the advances in medicine which are responsible for the fact that life expectancy figures have risen in the last one hundred years or so they are wrong. It is, for example, commonly claimed that modern scientific medicine has led to improvements in life expectancy in most developed countries from around 55 at the start of the century to over 70 today.

The evidence, however, does not support this claim...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Ukraine introduces AI-generated Foreign Ministry spokeswoman

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has introduced its spokeswoman fully generated by artificial intelligence (AI).

The MFA introduced on May 1 Victoria Shi, a "digital person" set to make official statements on behalf of the ministry. The digital spokeswoman dressed in a dark suit gesticulates with her hands and moves her head as she speaks, as shown in a presentation posted on social media. Victoria's name is based on the English word "victory" and "shtuchniy intelekt," the Ukrainian term for AI.

According to the MFA, its use of Shi to read its statements was "the first time in history" a foreign affairs ministry did so. But the ministry clarified that the statements Shi would read would still be written by humans.

The MFA's press service also attested to this, telling Agence France-Presse that the digital spokeswoman's statements won't be generated by AI, but "written and verified by real people." It added: "It's only the visual part that the AI helps us to generate."

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba lauded Shi, describing the new digital spokeswoman as a "technological leap that no diplomatic service in the world has yet made." According to him, the main reason for creating the digital spokeswoman was to "save time and resources" for diplomats....<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 3 May 2024

***FEATURE*** - "Light of Truth Oracle Card of the Month"


If we’re on the side of good, we should know it’s okay to have differing opinions

If the good guys can’t resolve their petty differences, how will we ever defeat the bad guys? asks Dr. Meryl Nass.

Good question.

Before we get to Dr. Nass’ very sensible article, I would like to add a personal note.

Don’t let divide-and-conquer tactics become our downfall. Stay focused on who is trying to maim, kill and control us. Remember the rocks, pebbles and sand analogy? If you fill the jar with sand, you will not have room for the rocks or pebbles. It applies to our uniting against the Globalists and their nefarious plans as well.

I’ll offer my take on how to determine our priorities to survive the Globalists’ onslaught and come out of the other side as victorious and uniquely created human beings.

I imagine the Globalists’ onslaught as a fork they are trying to stab us with.

The handle of the fork is spiritual and the hand that holds the fork is satan. While the Globalists seek to corrupt and have control over everything on Earth, satan seeks to tear you away from God and cause you to commit the most horrific sins until God finally gives up on his creation as it cannot be saved and the only option He has left is to destroy it.

There are four prongs to the fork: disease, famine, war and the corruption of our hearts and minds through psychological manipulation and transhumanism.

All four have the two same aims: depopulation and totalitarian technocratic control of whatever or whoever survives.

At the tip of the disease prong, for example, is vaccines. What disease is being vaccinated against and the stated cause of the disease is immaterial. They will change, at a moment’s notice, both the disease and its cause, or perhaps change multiple diseases and multiple causes simultaneously to cause additional chaos and confusion.

There are many barbs coming off the prongs. For example, barbs on the disease prong include measures in response to epidemics and pandemics, withholding known to be safe and effective treatments or deadly hospital protocols....<<<Read More>>>...

Top immunology expert warns that everyone who got COVID-19 jabs could die within a few years

 One of the world's top immunology experts is cautioning that individuals who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines could die within the next five years.

The warning comes from Dr. Dolores Cahill, who has a quarter century of experience with the use of antibodies and proteins in biomedical applications. As a professor of translational science at the University College Dublin School of Medicine's Conway Institute, she and her research team are known for their groundbreaking work in high throughput array technology and diagnostics, medical and biological research. Before that, she worked for the renowned Max Planck Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin.

Dr. Cahill has had reservations about the vaccines since the beginning, warning that they could have a devastating effect on human health. While many people were concerned about the potential for unknown side effects in the long term, Dr. Cahill’s concerns are far more dire; she has been warning that they will eventually kill everyone who has received even just a single dose.

Although she first made the disturbing warning back in 2021, videos of her explaining her theory have been circulating online more often lately as more and more signs point to those who have been vaccinated experiencing a slew of health problems.

Not surprisingly, Dr. Cahill found herself removed from the mainstream social media platforms over the warning, like many people who voiced reservations about the jabs. Moreover, the decorated researcher was labeled a conspiracy theorist by the mainstream media, which worked overtime to protect Big Pharma’s interests at the height of the pandemic and continues to do so....<<<Read More>>>...

Black Country Communion - "Enlighten"

Thursday 2 May 2024

Top 9 adaptogenic herbs for stress relief and more

Adaptogens are a unique class of plants, including certain foods and herbs. Today they are most commonly consumed as supplements and herbal products, such as capsules, powders and tinctures.

Their main purpose is to help balance, restore and protect the body. They are used as part of a "phytotherapy" approach to healing, which refers to the use of plants for their therapeutic abilities. They are also used in homeopathy.

According to naturopath Edward Wallace, an adaptogen doesn't have a specific action. It helps you respond to any influence or stressor, normalizing your physiological functions.

The term adaptogenic herbs or substances was first recorded in 1947 by N.V. Lazarev, a Russian scientist who used it to describe this non-specific effect that increases the body's resistance to stress. Defined by two other Russian research scientists in 1958, adaptogens "must be innocuous and cause minimal disorders in the physiological functions of an organism, must have a nonspecific action, and usually [have] a normalizing action irrespective of the direction of the pathological state."

This effect has been observed in animal studies, finding that various adaptogens have the ability to create this generally increased tolerance to stress....<<<Read More>>>...

Deep Purple - Bad Attitude

Arizona GOP issues resolution declaring COVID-19 jabs “biological weapons” and calling for a ban

 The Republican Party of Arizona has just passed a “ban the jab” resolution declaring COVID-19 vaccines to be “biological and technological weapons.” They are also calling on the governor to ban the shots and seize existing vials so a forensic analysis can be conducted on their contents. The resolution passed with 95.62% of the votes.

The resolution points out that clinical data from vaccine maker Pfizer revealed 1,223 deaths, along with 158,000 adverse incidents, 42,000 adverse cases and roughly 1,000 side effects associated with the jabs, and many vaccinated individuals have suffered permanent disability, illness and even death as a result.

They add that “strong and credible evidence from Sweden exists that COVID mRNA shots alter human DNA, and government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming COVID injections are safe and effective.”

The groundbreaking resolution was proposed by a prominent figure in the Arizona Republican Party, Dan Schultz, and not surprisingly, it has generated its fair share of controversy. Nevertheless, it is a strong sign of the growing skepticism when it comes to the efficacy and safety of these vaccines as we learn more about their makeup and their effects on the human body.

Proponents of the resolution are taking the same stance as the many Americans who refused to get the vaccines, pointing out that they have not been subjected to sufficient testing and there is no way of knowing what their long-term effects could be. However, we do know their short-term effects and they are enough to make many people want nothing to do with the jabs...<<<Read More>>>...

All mRNA injections, including cancer vaccines, may accelerate the development of cancer

 Oncogenesis or carcinogenesis is the process through which healthy cells become transformed into cancer cells.

Autoimmunity is an immune response resulting from a failure of our immune system to recognise our own cells and tissues as “self.”

The paper extensively reviewed the role of regulatory T cells (“Treg”) cells in the immune system, with a particular focus on the disruption of their behaviour caused by the mRNA injections.

Treg cells modulate the immune system, maintain tolerance to self-antigens and prevent autoimmune disease. Treg cells also suppress the immune response to cancer and have been shown to contribute to the development and progression of the disease.

The paper found that post-vaccination, the subsequent spike protein expression “may lead to a harmful influence on the immune system of vaccinees, and subsequent accelerated development of cancer and autoimmune disease.”

Although the paper specifically reviewed these conditions relating to covid mRNA injections, the concerns raised in the paper apply to all mRNA injections.

“Sadly, Moderna among many mRNA companies has plans for mRNA cancer drugs. They have a long drug development pathway to prove mRNA will not cause more cancer than it intends to treat,” Dr. Peter McCullough says....<<<Read More>>>....

***FEATURE*** - Quote for the Month


Wednesday 1 May 2024

Signs You’ve Experienced Altered States of Consciousness

 “Altered states of consciousness” sounds like something from a cheesy 80’s sci-fi movie or a trip down the rabbit hole of Alice in Wonderland.

But each and every day you and I enter into altered states of consciousness.

Whenever you get transfixed by a screen (aka. your phone or the TV) and dream at night, you enter into an altered state of consciousness.

However, at some point in life, most of us have a bizarre – or even frightening – experience that we can’t quite explain.

Sometimes, these strange experiences are actually blissful and ecstatic. And other times, these odd undergoings are a mixture of both joy and pain.

Have you ever gone through something that blew your mind and temporarily shattered your reality, but you’ve never really understood why it happened or what it meant?What you’ve likely experienced was, in the words of mythologist Joseph Campbell, a “Call to Adventure” or call to walk your one and true life path and find the meaning of life....<<<Read More>>>...

In Thy Body Do I Dwell (The Physical Construct as Host)

The body is coming back into sight as a site for experimentation and as a target for a type of quasi-transcendence. Within the inverted world of the lesser reality, the physical body has always been recognized as the vehicle through which life is experienced. 

In other words, it is our avatar whilst in this realm. As such, it has always been a site of contestation.

In some religious circles, the body is seen as a material distraction from the Divine and its influence was seen as needing to be repressed and subjugated (which may include certain physical deprivations, including self-harm). Various religio-spiritual perspectives have regarded the physical body as an obstacle, a barrier, to a sense of the sacred. The other extreme is that the body is regarded as the ideal vehicle for experiencing the sensual and sensuous – it is a vessel for indulgence and decadent experience. Still, there has been no consensus reached over how to regard the vehicle of the human physical body....<<<Read More>>>...

SAXON - Remember The Fallen

The imaginary “climate crisis” is a product of climate activists and click-bait media

 The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) reports don’t define what a “climate crisis” is. The crisis that supposedly requires society to achieve zero carbon emissions or, at least, “net zero.”

On the contrary, the IPCC’s latest Assessment Report (“AR6”) published in 2021 points out that corporate media’s opinion of climate change has moved away from a neutral position by adopting and promoting terms like “climate crisis,” “global heating” and “climate emergency.”

Such a statement by the IPCC should leave no doubt that the concept of an ongoing “climate crisis” is a joint product of climate activists and the click-hungry media, lacking a solid scientific basis, Aivar Usk writes.

So, what does science tell us about the climate? Usk details his research into climate models, catastrophe scenarios and the imaginary climate crisis while giving us a reality check of what climate records do show, without the media hype. For example, “July 2023, dubbed the ‘Earth’s hottest month on record’, may have had almost the same number of warmer and cooler regions in the world in comparison with the time one decade earlier,” he writes....<<<Read More>>>...

***FEATURE*** - Image of the Month


AstraZeneca finally admits that their COVID-19 vaccine causes thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)

 Even though AstraZeneca and other vaccine makers coerced governments around the world to sign indemnity clauses, shielding their companies from liability before their COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out to the public; dozens of families who were eventually stricken with vaccine injuries have come forward to fight for themselves and their loved ones in court.

As families bring their cases to court, lawyers representing AstraZeneca have had to face serious allegations that their vaccines are “defective” and cause life-threatening, blood-clotting injuries. For the first time, AstraZeneca admitted in a U.K. High Court that their COVID-19 vaccine causes thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS). TTS is a medical condition where an individual suffers from a low platelet count and reoccurring blood clots...<<<Read More>>>...

***FEATURE*** - Totem Bird of the Month


Tuesday 30 April 2024

Who Am I?

 At some point in our lives, or perhaps at many points in our lives, we ask the question, “Who am I?” At times like these, we are looking beyond the obvious, beyond our names, and beyond the names of the cities and states we came from — into the layers beneath our surface identities. We may feel the need for a deeper sense of purpose in our lives, or we may be ready to accommodate a more complex understanding of the situation in which we find ourselves. Whatever the case, the question of who we are is a seed that can bear much fruit.

It can send us on an exploration of our ancestry or the past lives of our soul. It can call us to take up journaling to discover that voice deep within us that seems to know the answers to a multitude of questions. It can draw our attention so deeply inward that we find the spark of spirit that connects us to every living thing in the universe. One Hindu tradition counsels its practitioners to ask the question over and over, using it as a mantra to lead them inevitably into the heart of the divine.

While there are people who seem to come into the world knowing who they are and why they are here, the human journey, for the most part, appears to be very much about asking this question and allowing its answers to guide us on our paths. So when we find ourselves in the heart of unknowing, we can have faith that we are in a very human place, as well as a very divine one. “Who am I?” is a timeless mantra, a Zen koan, ultimately designed to lead us home into the part of our minds that finally lets go of questions and answers and finds instead the ability to simply be....<<<Read More>>>...

The Case Against Net Zero

 In October 2008, Parliament passed the Climate Change Act requiring the U.K. Government to ensure that by 2050 “the net U.K. carbon account” was reduced to a level at least 80% lower than that of 1990. (“Carbon account’ refers to CO2 emissions and “other targeted greenhouse gas emissions”.) Only five MPs voted against it. Then in 2019, by secondary legislation and without serious debate, Parliament increased the 80% reduction requirement to 100% – thereby creating the Net Zero policy.

Unfortunately, it’s a policy that’s unachievable, disastrous and in any case pointless – and, importantly, that’s the case even if you accept that human carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to a rise in global temperature.

1. It’s unachievable.

Many vehicles and machines (used for example in mining, mineral processing, agriculture, construction, heavy transportation, commercial shipping and aviation, the military and emergency services) and products (for example concrete, steel, plastics – all needed for the construction of renewables – fertilisers, pharmaceuticals, anaesthetics, lubricants, solvents, paints, adhesives, insecticides, insulation, tyres and asphalt) essential to life and wellbeing require the combustion of fossil fuels or are made from oil derivatives. There are no easily deployable, commercially viable alternatives. Our civilisation is based on fossil fuels, something that’s unlikely to change for a long time.

Wind is the most effective source of renewable electricity in the U.K., but: (i) the substantial costs of building the huge numbers of turbines needed for Net Zero; (ii) the complex engineering and cost challenges of establishing a stable, reliable non-fossil fuel grid by 2035 (2030 for Labour) – not least the need to cope with a vast increase in high voltage grid capacity and local distribution; (iii) the enormous scale of what’s involved (immense amounts of space and of increasingly unavailable and expensive raw materials, such as so-called ‘rare earths’, required because, unlike fossil fuels, the ‘energy density’ of wind is so low); and (iv) the intermittency of renewable energy (see point 2 below), make it most unlikely that the U.K. will be able to generate sufficient electricity for current needs let alone for the mandated EVs and heat pumps plus industry’s requirements and other demands such as huge data centres the predicted growth of AI....<<<Read More>>>...

This technology does not belong to us”, says pilot who saw a 30,000mph UAP

 Christiaan Van Heijst, a veteran 747 cargo pilot with a keen eye for photography, recently shared his experiences with podcaster Chris Lehto, revealing four enigmatic UFO sightings. Among these, a “hypersonic” UAP stands out.

Van Heijst, who has spent countless hours navigating the globe’s airways, initially rationalized these sightings as secret tests of advanced USAF technology. Yet, the unfolding of recent, undisclosed events has led him to reconsider.

What are these mysterious objects, and where do they come from?...<<<Read More>>>...


Deep Purple - Portable Door

Nearly 10,000 Chemicals Leaching into Food from Plastic Containers

 A new study in the journal Environmental Science and Technology suggests that thousands of chemicals, a significant proportion of which scientists know nothing about, are leaching into foods from plastic containers.

“We found as many as 9,936 different chemicals in a single plastic product used as food packaging,” said study co-author Professor Martin Wagner, in a media release.

Significant numbers of these chemicals, like bisphenol A and phthalates, are linked to a variety of health problems, from reproductive issues to diabetes and even heart disease and forms of cancer.

Many of the chemicals, however, are totally unknown to science....<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Australian Raven"


Prions caused by mRNA injections may be contagious

 Mounting research suggests a serious side effect of the covid mRNA injections could be dementia, and the prions that cause it may be contagious.

Frameshifting, as we now know occurs in the covid injections, can induce prion production and lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (“CJD”).

Sid Belzberg’s website, which collected data on neurological side effects post-injection, found a notably high incidence of diagnosed CJD cases, suggesting an alarming trend.

A series of articles highlight biases in clinical trials and observational studies, suggesting covid-19 vaccines’ safety and effectiveness have been massively overstated.

The Global Covid Vaccine Safety Project study – funded by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention – reveals significant side effects, including myocarditis, pericarditis, and blood clots, underscoring the need for re-evaluation of covid vaccine risks and benefits.

According to mounting data, one of the more serious side effects of the covid mRNA injections appears to be dementia, and worse yet, this previously untransmissible disease may now be “contagious,” transmissible by way of prions.

In my 2021 interview with Stephanie Seneff, PhD, she explained why she suspected the covid shots may eventually result in an avalanche of neurological prion-based diseases such as Alzheimer’s. She also published a paper detailing those mechanisms in the May 10, 2021, issue of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory. As she explained in that paper:1

A paper published by J. Bart Classen (2021) proposed that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines could cause prion-like diseases, in part through its ability to bind to many known proteins and induce their misfolding into potential prions.

Idrees and Kumar (2021) have proposed that the spike protein’s S1 component is prone to act as a functional amyloid and form toxic aggregates … and can ultimately lead to neurodegeneration.

In summary, the take-home from Seneff’s paper is that the covid shots, offered to hundreds of millions of people, are instruction sets for your body to make a toxic protein that will eventually wind up concentrated in your spleen, from where prion-like protein instructions will be sent out, leading to neurodegenerative diseases....<<<Read More>>>...

DEPOPULATION: American women are giving birth at record-low rates as fertility falls to 1.62 births per woman in 2023

The United States' fertility rate fell to 1.62 births per woman in 2023, a two percent decline from a year earlier, according to federal data. This is the lowest fertility rate ever recorded since the government began tracking it in the 1930s.

The decline reflects a continuing trend as American women navigate economic and social challenges that have prompted many to delay or outright forgo having children. Those who do get pregnant have fewer children and later in life.

At the same time, young people are also more uncertain about their futures and spending more of their income on rent or home ownership, student debt and other essentials. Women in their 20s who are currently delaying having children might have fewer than they would have otherwise wanted to have for reasons economic reasons rather than declining fertility...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 29 April 2024

The Whole Is Greater

 Women’s circles are formal or informal gatherings in the interest of bonding, sharing energy, and creating ritual. The origins of women’s circles are ancient, but their applications are as modern as the women who participate in them. There are no hard and fast rules as to how to form a women’s circle or how to run one. Some circles invent their own agendas, rituals, goals, and ceremonies, while others borrow ideas from sources as far-ranging as Buddhist or indigenous cultures. Some circles are open to new members at all times, while others prefer to practice with a set number of members, closing the circle once that number is reached.

In a typical gathering, the women who are present sit in a circle. Generally, for the sake of cohesiveness, one woman is chosen to lead the circle each time. Allowing a different woman to lead each meeting allows for a multi-perspective approach to the process. One circle leader may choose to create and teach a ritual that involves using the voice to release negative energy, while at the next meeting, another leader may feel inspired to lead a silent meditation. On the other hand, a circle may choose to be more focused and gather around a particular intention, such as working together to determine a course for healing Mother Earth. When the healing feels complete, the women may choose to stay together with a new focus or the circle may disband.

At their best, women’s circles perfectly illustrate the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The work that can be accomplished within the loving embrace of our sisters is far more powerful than what we could achieve on our own. If you are not already part of a circle, you may want to start one. Follow your intuition as to the women with whom you’d like to work, reach out to them, and set a date to begin. After that, you can simply allow the circle to create itself. (Daily OM)

Aleister Crowley & UFOs: Did Occultists Open an Interdimensional Portal?

 Five years ago, in 2017, the New York Times broke the story on a black-budget Pentagon program tasked with investigating UFOs. Since then, a steady stream of photos and videos have been leaked by whistleblowers and politicians interested in opening the hitherto taboo subject of UFOs to the mainstream.

As recently as March of 2023, journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp published photos showing “UFOs” over conflict zones including the “Baghdad Phantom” and the “Mosul Orb.” Though the evidence is intriguing, the search may be too linear. The assumption is that flying saucers are machines with physical properties.

There is another school of thought which claims that UFOs and aliens are interdimensional in nature. This theory is understandably harder to fathom due to our linear mode of thinking and three-dimensional conditioning. Yet, this would help explain some of the more perplexing questions related to the phenomenon, including why they are so hard to spot with the naked eye or by radar.

Over 100 years ago, in 1918, English writer and occultist Aleister Crowley, whilst holed up in a rented apartment on Central Park West in New York City, conducted a series of magickal experiments....<<<Read More>>>...

Thin Lizzy - Don't Believe A Word

Quote for the Day


Who is the head of the snake behind the Great Reset, Covid and Global Warming hoaxes?

 Last Sunday’s ‘Demonic Flooding of America’ was so popular, this is its companion piece, a fleshed-out examination of the Head of the Snake; the cabal that is behind the Great Reset, the Covid and Global Warming hoaxes, and every profit-bonanza-war of the last thirty, if not 500 years, but especially Ukraine.

They call themselves by a proliferation of names: the Olympians, the Elect, Bilderbergers, the 300, demi-gods, the Black Nobility, other silly secret names that must not be spoken. They are secret because their intent is evil. They practice the occult – foolish and irresponsible – they are “Masons” of the crazy branch, a cult that operates entirely in the dark and entirely for themselves. They are as power-hungry as Hillary Clinton and far more corrupt than she or Biden or his dreadful son. They have been around for a thousand years, laughably tracing their bloodlines back to Sumer and the Pharaohs and they think that is important. In fact, who they are is Hunter Biden; he is their id, the visual manifestation of their disgusting decadence and sexual compulsion. Hunter, to my mind, was brought into their cult and went mad with the drugs, the blood-drinking, the killing and the sexual sacrifices, the intimacy rites that fuel their power.

I wish I was kidding. I wish like hell this wasn’t true.

What I am attempting is to skirt the depths of paranoia by using real-world data, and actual documents, as well as planning that is in the public domain and established fact. I am using personal experience in order to real-world it. So many writers in this area tip over into the unprovable, and of course, this is deliberate, yet another foul psyop run on the defenceless and innocent....<<<Read More>>>...